
Sunday 20 May 2012

Islam Basics

  Islam Basics

Is it true that Islam only allows arranged marriages?
No, Islam gives you the right to choose your own spouse. A marriage is not considered valid without the consent of the bride. However, showing respect to your elders and receiving their blessing is appreciated.

  Islam Basics

Islam does not encourage sports. What's the main reason behind this?
Islam does encourage sports and all other positive and healthy activities as long as they do not involve obscenity and unethical things.

  Islam Basics

What's the concept of Aqeeqah all about?
Aqeeqah is a way of celebrating the birth of a child. Friends and relatives are invited to a big feast. It's a dignified way of making it known to others that a child has been born to a family.

  Questions & Answers

Why do Muslims love the color green? The color green is a sign of harmony and peace and the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) most liked this color.

According to science, the food you eat influences your very behavior. By that stretch why do Muslims consume non-vegetarian food since eating meat can bring about ferocious behavior? Islam makes it permissible to eat only herbivorous animals i.e. not meat-eating animals.

  Questions & Answers

Islam was spread by swords and bloodshed. Why is it then considered a peaceful religion?

In order to prevent more blood from being spilled it is necessary to use a little force to enforce the greater peace and people accepted Islam when they got impressed from its teaching the sword was just take hurdles of some kings away in the message of God.

  Questions & Answers

What does Islam gain by keeping women behind the veil?
Before the advent of Islam all major civilizations used to subjugate and degrade womenfolk. The veil was a means to stop attacks from men towards women by keeping themselves covered properly in those dark times.

  Muslim Clothing

Why is polygamy acceptable in Islam? Before the advent of Islam, all civilizations that existed considered and practiced the idea of unlimited number of wives. It was only Islam which put a limit to this, and only under strict conditions for the men to treat his wives equally.

  Islam Basics

Questions & Answers


Why only Muslims are branded as fundamentalists? The term fundamentalist can go for any good doctor or a trader who knows their craft very well. It is incorrect to associate with it as a religious stereotype. A person should proclaim that he is proud to be a fundamentalist because it indicates that someone is good at something.

Questions & Answers

Is the Muslim method of animal slaughter the best way to minimize the suffering of the animal? By using a sharp knife, the animal's agony is over quickly. It does not induce more pain since it avoids the spinal cord.

Questions & Answers

Why do Muslims bow towards Kaaba when idol worship is forbidden in Islam? By bowing towards one uniform direction, Muslims all over the world are not worshipping Kaaba but rather Allah Himself in unision. Kaaba was considered the center of the world in the first maps drawn by the Arabs.

Questions & Answers

Why is Makkah and Medina off-limits to non-believers of Islam? Just as a military cantonment is off-limits to civilians, similarly the same concept applies in case of the Holy Cities. The concept of visa that is required for travelling is as valid as the barring of non-Muslims to these Holy Cities.

Questions & Answers

Why consumption of pork is considered 'haraam' in Islam? Quran states it at least for times. The Bible also prohibits it. Pork is contagious with various diseases.

Questions & Answers

Why is the drinking of alcohol forbidden in Islam? Alcohol is harmful. It makes people miserable as well as their near and dear ones. It results in increased criminal occurrences and mental breakdowns.

Questions & Answers

Why is a woman entitled to only the half of a man's wealth and inheritance? Islam has an equitable formula which considers every angle and scenario in the division of inheritance. It accounts for parents, daughters, wives, husbands and sons. The share is preordained by Allah and He is just in His infinite foresight.

All religions place emphasis on the doing of good deeds so why should a person opt for the Islamic faith? Islam not only calls for its followers to do good but it also beholds them to doing no harm to others. Islam is the only religion which outlines a social structure where people won't have to resort to crime.
If Islam calls for its followers to be honest, reliable and faithful then why is it that they may not be any of these things as well? There are black sheep in every community. Just because a few are corrupt doesn't mean that the media should treat all Muslims as stereotypical inhuman archetypes.

Questions & Answers

How does social service factor in Islam? It holds an immense value in Islam as a good deed can earn as much of God's blessing multiplied by 10 times. Social service should be offered for both Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

Questions & Answers

  1. Is Allah considered Masculine? In Arabic, the name Allah is gender-neutral meaning HE is neither male nor female. We choose to describe him as a HE.
  2. What is the main theme of the religion of Islam? The main theme of Islam is to believe that there is no God but Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is his last prophet.
  3. What are the main qualities a Muslim should possess? Islam lays great stress on the qualities of forgiveness, tolerance, justice, self-restraint and to adopt high morals and ethics.
  4. What is the reality of dua/supplication in Islam? Dua spiritually connects a Muslim with God. It is the essence of worship which uplifts and relieves a person from suffering. God likes those people who pray and ask Him for His blessings.
  5. What is the concept of sovereignty in Islam? Allah is sovereign! This means He is the only authority of everything that is present on the earth and in the heavens. He alone is the Lord and Ruler. Nothing can happen unless He wills it.
  6. Are non-Muslims allowed inside mosques? Yes, Islam does not prohibit anyone from entering mosques. However, it is advisable that a person should be wearing neat and clean clothes, without any impurity or immodesty.
  7. Why are churches not allowed to be built in Muslim countries when there is no restriction in the building of mosques in non-Muslim countries? This is a totally wrong interpretation of Islam. Islam is a tolerant religion. There is no such law in Islam that prohibits the building of churches.
  8. What are the Islamic laws regarding obedience towards higher authorities/state? Please justify. Allah says in the Holy Quran, "O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority over you (Ch.4: V.60)". This verse clearly shows that one must abide by all the rules and regulations ordained by the higher authority/state.
  9. Can there be prophets after Muhammad (P.B.U.H)? No! Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is Allah's last messenger. No prophet will ever come after him till the Day of Judgment. God says in His book: "this day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favor upon you."
  10. What does it mean by Khataman Nabiyeen? Khataman Nabiyeen refers to the seal of the Prophets. No other prophet will ever come for the guidance of mankind after the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The word 'Khatam' means seal.
  11. Is there any significance of Muslims keeping a beard? No other religion really promotes this and in many non-Muslims countries, it is considered as a symbol of extremism. Is it really extremism? No, this is totally incorrect. Muslims seek to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and he had a beard. The beard links to piety and is a noble tradition in Islam.
  12. From where can we get knowledge about Islam? The main sources of knowledge of Islam are the Quran, the book from Allah given to mankind, the Sunnah (practices/actions) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and the Hadith, the sayings of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
  13. What is the Kaaba? The Kaaba is referred to as Allah's home and is located in Mecca. Muslims perform the Hajj or pilgrimage to the Kaaba. The most astonishing fact about the Kaaba is that it is located at the centre of the earth and it was built by Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismaeel in 2130 BCE!
  14. Does Islam support other religions? Allah mentioned in the Quran: "There should be no compulsion in religion (Ch: 2, V: 257)". This verse clearly shows that Islam is a tolerant religion. Everyone has the full freedom to choose their religion.
  15. Why is the Tahajjud prayer also called the Taraveeh prayer? The Taraveeh prayer is a special prayer performed only in the month of Ramadan. But in the case when one cannot perform the Taraveeh, it is preferable to offer the prayer of Tahajjud.
  16. Can a non-Muslim be converted to Islam? Is there any procedure to be followed? Yes, a non-Muslim can convert to Islam through the declaration of faith: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is his last prophet."
  17. What does it mean by the Day of Judgment? The Day of Judgment is when all of mankind will be answerable for his/her deeds in front of Allah. Heaven will be granted to those who did righteous deeds on earth and Hell to those who did not follow Allah's commandments and committed sins.
  18. How can one attain Jannat/Heaven? To attain Jannat, one must obey Allah's commands, do righteous deeds and stay away from evil. A person who fulfills this criteria is known as Muttaqi.
  19. Are there signs for the Day of Judgment? When will it come? Yes, there are plenty of signs for the Day of Judgment such as the rising of the sun from the west, Jesus' return, the release of Gog and Magog and the arrival of the Antichrist. Only Allah knows when the Day of Judgment will happen.
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